

Cookie and Privacy Policy

ConnectPCsupport values your privacy and take strong measures to secure your personal data is safe and we do not share your data with any third parties. We have set out our privacy policy below. 

How do we use your personal information?

We use the information you provide to enable us to provide you with a quotation or to make a booking for a repair call.

Your name.

Your address including postcode.

Telephone numbers

E-Mail address.

Any other information you give us regarding your booking/quote.

If you choose to make a booking with ConnectPCsupport we will call you at the time/date requested.

If a booking is made, we will only hold your details for a set period afterwards to allow us to meet our legal obligations and for accounting reasons/ future bookings with yourselves if required.

We will only send you emails relate to your account such as bookings and if you require further help with maintenance or security updates and virus and malware issues etc.

We never share personal information with any other organisation for third-party marketing purposes.

Access your information.

You have a right to ask us what personal information we hold about you and to request a copy of your information. This must be made in writing and accompanied by proof of your address and identity.


Our website uses Cookies to ensure we provide a good experience when visiting our site. You can control  cookies within your browser, However, if you disable all cookies, parts of our website may not work correctly.


Our websites use SSL which provides encryption, to ensure your information is protected to the highest standards. Access to all stored data including our booking system is password protected.

Any other questions?

ConnectPCsupport is run by Daniel Bronson a sole trader and Microsoft specialist with over 25 years’ experience in repairing and fixing all types of computer issues.

If you have questions about the way your personal data is being used, please contact us at